What is the Edmonton Family Network?

The Edmonton Family Network is a support network designed to help people in difficult family law situations. We provide referrals to people that need legal assistance or community support. We recommend service providers using our personal and professional knowledge and based on our interactions with service providers. We determine goals and expectations before providing information for people or professionals to help.

How do we determine suitability?

Some of the aspects that determine suitability include:

a.) quality of work provided;
b.) costs for services;
c.) workload and availability;
d.) consistency of communication; and,
e.) personality / approachability.

Our goal is to match people with the best service providers based on their unique situation. We have knowledge that you will not find on Google!

Can I recommend a service provider?

If you have an exceptional service provider to nominate, please let us know and we may add them to our list of recommended service providers.