What is a Paralegal?

A paralegal is a key player in the legal field, assisting lawyers with research, document drafting, and client interactions. Their role is vital, enabling lawyers to concentrate on the complexities of each case. For a fun and informative look at what paralegals do, check this video!

Can't afford a lawyer?

Experienced help with family law documents should be affordable and accessible for everyone. Unfortunately, there is a gap between the those who quality for Legal Aid Alberta and those who can afford a lawyer. Paralegals are an affordable alternative for people without a lawyer that need help with court documents and filing procedures. Paralegals are a great option for people that can’t afford a lawyer.

No Legal Advice

Paralegals can give legal information, they can help with document preparation and court navigation.

Trust Issues?

We value integrity and professionalism. Our network has Alberta Registered Paralegals.

Affordable Help

Paralegals are a great tool for people that don't have a lawyer for whatever reason.